We offer:
Conformance test of the physical layer
C&S offers the tests for the LIN physical layer according to the following test specifications:
LIN OSI Layer 1 – Physical Layer for LIN 2.2 (December, 31th, 2010)
Revision 2.2 December 31th, 2010 For LIN devices with and without Rx and Tx access — actual version —
LIN OSI Layer 1 – Physical Layer for LIN 2.1 (November 24th, 2006)
Version 2.1 October 10th, 2008
LIN OSI Layer 1 – Physical Layer for LIN 2.0 (Sep. 23, 2003) Version 1.0 August 1, 2004
LIN OSI Layer 1 – Physical Layer for LIN 1.3 (Dec. 12, 2002) Version 1.0 January 19th 2004
Date Published: 2021-10
We offer:
Conformance test of the data link layer
C&S offers the tests for the LIN data link layer according to the following test specifications:
We offer:
Conformance test according to SAEJ2602
C&S offers tests according to the following test specification:
- SAE J2602-2 Lin Network for Vehicle Applications Conformance Test
Date Published: 2021-10
We offer:
Conformance test of your specific LIN implementation
For information or a quote please contact us using the contact details at Contact!
LIN OSI Layer 2 – Data Link Layer for LIN 2.2 (December, 31th, 2010)
Revision 2.2 December 31th, 2010 For LIN devices with and without Rx and Tx access — actual version —
LIN OSI Layer 2 – Data Link Layer for LIN 2.1 (November 24th, 2006)
Version 2.1 October 10th, 2008
LIN OSI Layer 2 – Data Link Layer for LIN 2.0 (Sep. 23, 2003) Version 1.0 August 1, 2004
LIN OSI Layer 2 – Data Link Layer for LIN 1.3 (Dec. 12, 2002) Version 1.0 January 19th 2004
Date Published: 2021-10
Authenticated quality
LIN (Local Interconnect Network) originated from the work of the LIN Consortium with the aim of developing a low-cost bus for the automotive industry.
In 2005, we received the first accreditation as official Test House by the LIN consortium after a detailed review of our process definition and method of working and of our test system.
This was not enough for us, therefore beyond this accreditation we have established an extensive quality management system according to ISO 17025:2018.
In 2008 we were accredited by a multi-day audit by the DATech GmbH (now DAkkS GmbH, Deutsche Akkreditierungsgesellschaft). Since then we have passed all surveillance audits without any objections.
First and foremost, quality!
Download: LIN Specification
You can download the LIN Specification Package. We have been asked to include the following note on this.
The following disclaimer would be provided within the download area of the LIN Specification 2.2.A.
The LIN Steering Group would like to inform you that it has concluded its work with the finalization of the LIN Specification 2.2.A. Currently the latest LIN specification is being transcribed to the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) as part of the process to be accepted as ISO standard ISO 17987 Part 1-7. The LIN Supplier ID maintenance will be currently handled by Mr. Zeltwanger headquarters@can-cia.org (LIN ISO Task Force Leader).